How to use the Seo Wizard Plugin (Tutorial)

How to Install the SEO Wizard Plugin

The easiest way to add this plugin to your WordPress site is to search for it in your site administration panel. First, look for “Plugins” on the left hand side and then click on “Add New” toward the top of the Plugins page. Then, type “SEO Wizard” into the “Search Plugins” field. Then, click on the “Install Now” button. If you notice a confirmation that the plugin is installed, you then can click on “Activate” to make it work.
You could also download the Seo Wizard plugin >> to your computer and then click on “Add New” on the Plugins page and then upload the .zip file. Do not open this .zip file before uploading if you do this because it will automatically unzip an install itself into your WordPress directory.
Of course, before you install the SEO Wizard plugin, you need to make sure you have WordPress installed. Usually, the fastest and easiest way to accomplish this is through your web hosting CPanel. This is not a function that is available via the free You need to instead sign up for premium WP hosting through your favorite website hosting company.

How to Get Started

After the SEO Wizard plugin is complete, you will want to explore your options. Find the “WP SEO Wizard” on the left hand sidebar of your WP administration panel. You probably will want to start by clicking on the “General” menu item of the Wizard. Then, click on the “Global” tab.
If you do not understand all the choices you have in this column, you could leave the checkboxes blank for now. However, if you do understand what some of them mean, you can go ahead and check on some of the options. For instance, you can enable the Social SEO/Facebook function. You also can check the box that enables you to add links automatically inserted into your images.

How to Use the Automatic Linking Features

Click on the “Advanced” tab within the SEO Wizard control panel accessible from the plugin’s “General” menu. Here you will first notice the “Keyword Decorate” function. If you want to bold, underline or italicize your keywords, you can. If you do, this will make them more noticeable, and this will increase your clickthrough rate.
After doing so, you can then choose if you want the SEO Wizard to automatically add an “alt=” value and a title to images. This function benefits you until you have more time to customize each one of your media library photos. You can also enter the default tags on the “tags” tab and then block login or Admin pages on the “Page Block” setting tab. All these settings are subtabs under the “Advanced” tab of your main Wizard control panel.
You could also set your Bing API Key on the “API” tab if you have one. Otherwise, you might want to make sure you enable your site’s ability to self-create an XML sitemap. This sitemap is useful because it makes Google search engine crawling easier, and it makes your site more easily indexable.

How to use Additional SEO Wizard Settings

You can check for 404 errors by clicking on the “404 Monitor” menu item on the WP SEO Wizard sidebar. If there are any broken links on your site, you will notice them if someone has tried to access it. This function will help you faster remove or fix all bad links to improve site performance.
If you are looking for more in-depth automated link insertion, the “Deeplink Juggernaut” section of the WP SEO Wizard accessible from this plugin’s left sidebar menu is recommended. You can make as many anchor content text links to as many different site links as you want. It is highly recommended for this that you include as many varieties of keywords as possible. You also will want to include both non-affiliate as well as affiliate links in your blog posts, pages or media.
You also have the option of clicking on the Deeplink Juggernaut “Footer Links” and “Footer Link Settings” to include automatic text links in these areas, too. All these tabs include options for basic linking, title and keyword information. Just take some time to become acquainted with how to fill in the blanks. For instance, you would put the link in the “Destination” field and the keyword in the “Anchor Text” field.
You also have additional options such as choosing to have links in a “New Window” or to make them “No Follow.” For the advanced contextual linking, you can also add “Title Attributes.” In addition, you can set options to gradually decrease the numbers of automatic links. Likewise, you can set a maximum number of automated links you want created on one page, post or image.

What Good Does All This Do?

The more times you apply keywords to your site, the more chances you have to rank in search engines. When done strategically, this helps you gain exposure fast on a lower budget than hiring a full-time social media specialist. You have to be smart about this, however. It’s important to set up your SEO Wizard so that your link building happens gradually and naturally.

Mohon untuk berkomentar yang sopan, tidak menggunakan kata-kata kasar/kotor dan menyerang pengguna lain. Dilarang berkomentar dengan mengatas namakan Admin. Terimakasih.
